You can easily browse your store's entire list of purchases from the Orders page. Helpful for finding failed orders, searching for a specific person or subscription, and more.
Last updated
You can easily browse your store's entire list of purchases from the Orders page. Helpful for finding failed orders, searching for a specific person or subscription, and more.
Last updated
Easily find the exact order from the search bar in the top left. Furthermore, you can filter your results based on specific customers, subscription ID, or subscriptions in general.
Clicking on a specific order will provide a quick overview of all the essential information you need! Such as the the following:
Billing Information
Customer's Steam64ID
You can view more info in select areas by hovering over. Such as price points, gift box (to view gift information from another user) and more!
You can also hover (and click) on the gift box if a package was gifted to view more information about the gift-er!