Creating A Product
Creating a product is easy with PayNow. We'll break it down into a few simple steps!
Last updated
Creating a product is easy with PayNow. We'll break it down into a few simple steps!
Last updated
Click on the Create Product located at the Products Page
Fill out the fields in the Create a Product page. The more optimized and informative your descriptions are the better your store will have a chance at performing well. Include all of the features that someone will receive within your product.
Details of your product contain the essentials, such as name, url slug, description, and price.
Adding tags for your store can greatly help organize and categorize your products when you begin creating numerous products. You can create tags and find out more information about them in our Tags page!
You must select your server(s) you wish your product to be applied to in the game servers field. This tells PayNow where to apply your kit too.
In this section of the product creation process, you can define whether your product is available as a one-time purchase, a subscription, or both. Additionally, you can specify how long the kit remains active. Most servers opt for 1-month packages, but you have the flexibility to set a shorter or longer duration to suit your needs.
Note: The "Should Expire" option is always enabled for subscriptions, as subscription-based products must have an expiration to allow renewals. You cannot create a subscription for a package that does not expire.
Maintaining stock levels can assist with balancing out your server as well it can add a level of desire for your packages that much more when stock is available again. This can help if your server is experiencing too many purchases for a specific server for instance. A good problem to have.
Commands are essential for your product as this is precisely how you will have your packages assigned to your customers. Below are all the currently available variables we allow in the command creation fields.
Available command variables:
ID of the order
ID of the order line
ID of the checkout session
ID of your store
ID of this product
ID of the product version id
customer's ID
customer's name
customer's Steam ID
customer's Steam name
customer's Steam Avatar
customer's Minecraft UUID
customer's Minecraft name
customer's Minecraft skin
name of this product
slug of this product
In the 'Deliverable Actions' tab, you can choose to create a gift card by selecting the 'Gift Card' option. This allows you to provide customers with a gift card equivalent to the product's price upon purchase.
It is also possible to execute various actions on Discord. To do this, you first need to set up a Game Server, which will be used to configure the Discord bot in a similar way to your regular game servers.
There is also an option to kick or ban users from the Discord, as well as generate an invite link.
Downloadable products can be added to any package, giving users immediate access to their download upon purchase. Once the transaction is complete, the user will see the download link directly on the checkout screen. Additionally, they will receive an email with the download link, allowing them to access the product at any time.
If a downloadable product is updated, users who previously purchased the package will automatically gain access to the updated version.
To prevent users from receiving new content added to an existing product they’ve already purchased, it’s recommended to create a new product rather than updating the existing one — unless the update is to the file they originally purchased.
After completing the necessary steps, click 'Create' to finalize the package. If you'd prefer to set up the package with only the essentials for now, you can skip some steps and edit the package later to add more details.
After creating the product you'll then be available open it back up to add your custom image in the top right of the product edit page.
Recommended size of at least 256x256px.