
Easily receive PayNow event notifications by using webhooks

Discord and JSON webhooks allow you to receive notifications for events happening on your PayNow store. This can be useful for various things, like keeping track of activity.

If you wish to use JSON webhooks, please read our documentation on webhooks here

How do I create a Discord webhook and connect it to my PayNow store?

  1. Visit the Webhooks page located on your dashboard sidebar

  1. Press the "New webhook" button on the top right

  1. Select the type of webhook you wish to use, either Discord or JSON. If you use a Discord URL it will autofill to the Discord option

  1. If you choose to use Discord, on the endpoint URL simply put the Discord webhook URL you get after creating a webhook in your Discord. If you don't know how to create a Discord webhook, follow this guide

  2. For Discord webhooks it's best to create one webhook entry per event if you wish to show Completed Orders, Refunds & Chargeback embeds. To do this let's start with the Order Completed event. Subscribe to the Order Completed event inside the Subscribed To field

  1. Next you can edit the embed as you wish. All available variables for each event can be found by hovering over Discord Embed Template. Once you have the embed you wish you press update. This will make the event all set up for an Order Completed event. See the image below for a completed setup of the Order Completed event with some example variables.

  1. Now the event is all set up for the Order Complete event. If you wish to have Refunds and Chargebacks repeat steps 2-6 but subscribe to the other events. Make sure to change the variables per event as they are different for each event.

Last updated